Sunday, August 21, 2011


Not feeling any better today and i have to study for a final tomorrow. Also, i have to deal with seeing her again tomorrow. So this is just my luck. Also, i have a family friend staying with me until he can find a place to live. He's not really some one i would hang out with. He is 24 years old and is now a high school teacher. His interests include LOTS of movies, yugioh cards, and mmorpgs. On top of that, he lives a very sedentary lifestyle. He has a a very weird skin condition and it does not look good. It looks like he is always dirty and his natural scent does not help either. From what i can see, he has no luck with the ladies and I am supposed to bring him around with me every where i go. I am younger, and my parents are telling me to take him around. I already was not fond of this idea but i thought it would be fine if i just go out with my friends and take him with me. So we went to this place called Five Guys; its some sort of new craze to get these burgers. Well every thing was going ok mainly because he was not talking that much but then he dropped his A1 steak sauce and it hit the floor splattering ONLY ON ME! It got all over my jeans! Yes, the raw denim that i was not supposed to wash for months. Well now i have no choice but to wash them. So on top of his presence already annoying me, i have to treat him as a friend, he ruined my potentially 2 year-long jeans, and i have to put up with this until he can find his own place. Who knows how long that can take? I really need a miracle or something to look forward to. I used to look forward to school but i can't because it hurts me just to think of this girl. I can't really find peace at home because this weirdo keeps bothering me. So what do i do? I tried to apply for a job but still no response yet. If i can't stand school or being home, the best alternative is to just spend the rest of my time finding a job to get out of this hell hole.


  1. Wait hes 24 and a high school teacher? And he needs to follow you around? No wonder the education system is crap! With teachers like that how do kids learn!

  2. What a klutz! He sounds like a decent guy, just... annoying. :D

  3. This sounds like a sitcom setup. No, seriously like I read a script :P anyway, hope you have some better luck in the near future.

  4. Ah...oh man, if I were to give advice or comment properly, it would be nothing but negative advice you should just ignore.

    Like seriously...24 and a high school teacher with a background like that? The skin condition can't be helped, but his smell SHOULD be...a gentleman should smell good and his breath should be sweet and clean.

    A true gentleman never knows when he's going to be kissed.

    I mean, if he's living a sedentary lifestyle and your parents expect you to chaperone this assburgers...I mean, fully grown man...maybe it's time for HIM to live up to a standard. Give him a swift kick in the ass and tell him to go runnin' with you or somethin'.

    Seriously, start gettin' on him to get off his ass and DO somethin'. He's got a job, why the hell isn't he living up to his potential?

    At the most you've gained a new workout partner who is now feeling better about himself (and might change his life around) or you'll annoy him so much he crawls into someone else's basement and lives there. Either way, outta yer hair and problem solved!

    I dunno 'bout any raw denim m'man, I wear nothing but black khakis.

  5. "His interests include LOTS of movies, yugioh cards, and mmorpgs. On top of that, he lives a very sedentary lifestyle. He has a a very weird skin condition and it does not look good. It looks like he is always dirty and his natural scent does not help either."

    Sounds like you've got a 'neckbeard' on your hands, you poor soul.
