Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Pocket Tees

Pocket Tees have always been around and to be honest the sudden demand for them is ridiculous. When thinking of shirts with pockets there are a few things that come to mind. A regular shirt with just a pocket on it or perhaps one with a button flap. Or what about the flannels or dress shirts. Well the demand for the pocket tees are nothing really. They are just plain shirts but instead of a plain pocket, they will have a design that sticks out. Here are some pictures:
You can find these shirts if you just google "selective threads" or "tantum la"


  1. haven't seen anything like this before. i should put my electric pikachu on a pocket T :)

  2. I use to have a pocketed t-shirt but I had it just to put my pack of smokes in when I would go for a smoke in my front yard.

  3. I like pockets! Pocket tees are a bit great if you have an ID badge or something. :D

  4. I have a few of them...I couldn't imagine wearing one all the time though. It bugs me for some reason!

  5. the possibilities... i have to buy one :D

  6. Found ya through yer commentary over at Aspirations of Perspiration. Hope you don't mind if I follow you here? I find yer blog interestin', and 'sides...

    I wear black pocket t-shirts as undershirts everyday. Fruit of the Loom tagless, yo.

  7. I do this. I love DIY stuff and do things like this in my free time. Good ideas here.

  8. you've got a great sense of fashion !
    return plz :D

  9. I like the last one, maybe the most, kinda weird-looking but I like it nevertheless.

  10. pocket tees are popular again?... wait, when were they in the first place?

  11. I have to buy many of these. :D
